Topobjects from Museumspoorlijn STAR
Steam engine TE 5933 (BMAG, 1943) is a former German steam engine class 52. This engine came after the Second World War in Russian hands, and was used on the normal gauge tracks before it got in the strategic army stock. In the nineties the engine was brought back to Germany, and eventually got in service at the EBG and WAB. In 2006, the engine was bought by Museum railway STAR, where the engine has been overhauled. Since july 2007, the engine is in working order.

De groene 204 te Wildervank, 2002. Foto: Tim Goorman
Shunting engine 204 (Werkspoor, 1934), with the nickname 'Sik', is the oldest engine from this type, and therefore became the 'A-status' at the list of important museum trains in the Netherlands. The engine came at Museumrailway STAR in 1999, and was painted in the original livery in the summer of 2000. Currently, the engine is fully operational after some work has been done in the summer of 2008.
Loc 19, een Deutz-loc van het type MS530C (1962), is in 2003 van de Bremer Stahlwerke overgenomen. In 2003-2004 is de loc beperkt onder handen genomen en in de rijdende dienst ingezet. Na een schilderbeurt in 2004 en aansluitend in 2004-2006 de nodige technische werkzaamheden ontstonden eind 2006 enkele problemen met de loc. Tevens waren dringend nieuwe wielbanden nodig. Tussen december 2006 en maart 2008 is de loc grondig onder handen genomen, en daarbij voorzien van nieuwe wielbanden, nieuwe huifdeuren, technisch nagekeken en waar nodig gereviseerd, en compleet geschilderd. Op 26 maart 2008 is de loc, wederom in Bundesbahn-kleurstelling en met het pseudo-DB-nummer V53 019, weer in dienst gesteld.